Thistle アザミ |
dandelion on the side of the road 道端のタンポポ |
Snake strawberry I don't know if the snakes really eat them, but they grow in the wet area where the snakes live. 蛇いちご 本当に蛇が食べるのかなあ? |
typical scenery with the smoke. It is permitted to burn in this area. 田舎じゃどこでも煙が出てる。 |
Silver grass ススキ |
Cute pink flowers on the side of the road. 道端の小さなピンクの花 |
Unknown berries in the mountain. Is this kind of cranberry? 山にはベリーがいろいろ、これ何? |
I love sweet/sour wild raspberry! 甘酸っぱい野いちご、大好き! |
Unknown flower on the side of the road 道端でよく見かけるのに、名前知らず。 |
Fig tree イチジクの木 |
Wow! A huge carp appeared! This is one of the kinds they used to catch in this pond. (Sorry, but it's hard to see it in this photo. But can you see the waves?) わ、で、でかい鯉が泳いでる! こういうのが釣れてたんだよね。 (写真では見えなくてごめんさい。でも水の動き見えます?) |