Daichi was crazy about the Cho Cho Train until first grade.
He almost believed he was Thomas The Tank Engine.
This cup is one of the few pictures he drew when he was excited about the ocean.
After this short transition, his interest moved up to the sky.
From the Earth to the oceon, then up to the sky
I don't know if he is mixing with the study of Aeronautic Engineering or not, but he throws frisbees high into the sky playing Ultimate Frisbee.
Just as a Frisbee flys high, Daichi's interests and ambitions will lift off the ground and soar high above the clouds, figuratively and metaphorically.
And as the law of gravity states, the frisbee will always comes back to the Earth. No matter how high Daichi soars, he will always come back to the ground as the down to earth child he was born to be.
航空工学の勉強と絡めているのか、いつもUltimate Frisbee でフリズビーを空高く飛ばしている。